The holiday party post-#RVAJelly day was lots of fun for those that could make it. It started off with our typical #RVAJelly day including our always welcome @BokaTruck tacos, plates full of Christmas goodies, and friendly coworkers around the office. A trip to our favorite, Hardywood Brewery started the evening with their signature Gingerbread Stout, followed by a stop back at 804RVA for some home cooked chili. Morgan Smith was our hired driver for the evening in the Urban Suburban as we embarked on a Tacky Lights Tour in and around our beloved city of Richmond. Dorsey McFadden, head of the party planning committee, created a Tacky Lights Tour based on's wonderful resources that allowed you to map your route based on their collection of tacky lights stops throughout the city. Check out the "gnomes" and the "zombies". Who knew that there were zombies on the holiday light tour! (Hint-they don't have any lights on them) As if the lights tour, chili, #RVAJelly day, & Hardywood were not enough, we made one more stop at The Republic where we danced like and Egyptian and reminisced on the evening. That concluded our long eventful day and we went to homes, nestled in our beds while visions of sugar plums danced in our heads.
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Larkin Garbee